ANAS S.p.A. (National Roads Agency)
Province of Palermo – Italy
The project concerns the upgrading to four-lane of the route Palermo-Agrigento (SS 121 – Catanese) in the stretch from the junction with the A19 PA-CT Motorway (location Ficarazzi) until the junction with SS189 beyond the village of Lercara Friddi.
During 2003-2004 SERING has carried out the Preliminary design in association with ATKINS. The new route involves a 23 m wide and 56 km long mountain road including:
- twenty-two viaducts for a total length of 15 km (about 27% of the total stretch)
- thirteen tunnels dual carriageway for a total length of 23 km (about 42% of the total stretch)
- ten big intersections
Services provided by Sering
- Preliminary design
- Environmental Impact Assessment
The assignment involved mainly:
- Identification and analysis of possible no. 5 alternative alignments – cost/benefit analysis
- Transport analysis aimed at the evaluation of traffic flows before and after works
- Extensive field surveys and investigations (soil and materials, topographic, noise and vibration record, etc),
- Study of car crash of the existing itinerary and projection of the same as a result of the project work
- Hydrologic, Hydraulic, Geological and Geotechnical studies
- Road design
- MEP design
In 2007, the Client requested the review and updating of the preliminary design and the EIA following new project requirements. In this context, Sering developed a new Preliminary project for the solution chosen.